Photo Credit Magic Memories

About Me

I’m Lisa and I want to be your Personal Photo Manager (yes, that’s a thing!)

As a lifelong cheesehead, I’m an avid Brewers fan, with the Packers and Badgers not far behind. I live in Pewaukee with my husband of 27 years and our dog Shadow. The kids are now grown and on their own. Whoop!

I left the corporate world a few years ago after 28 years in IT consulting. From programming to managing projects, I enjoyed finding solutions to complex problems and delivering results for my clients.

Along the way, I was also becoming the family memory keeper and nurturing my passion for photos. I became a card-carrying member of the “mamarazzi” bringing a camera to all the kids’ activities and family gatherings. But taking photos was only part of the fun. I loved to share photos with family and friends (even before the days of social media!), make photo books and volunteer to create slideshows for the kids’ activities.

I’ve always been pretty diligent about keeping our digital photos organized. Structures and systems are in my blood. A few years ago, a friend texted me about a memory of when our kids were young and I texted her back a photo of it. Her response was “How did you find that so fast?”.

Eventually I bought a scanner for the family slides that I inherited, which of course lead me to start scanning our old prints as well. My hobby was becoming part of my identity.

Now I get to share my passion for photos and my professional skills with others. I love when my clients stop feeling so overwhelmed by their photos and videos. They are excited to be able to enjoy their memories and leave a legacy for the next generation.

Professional Photo Manager & Privacy Advocate

I am an active member of The Photo Managers, which is a world-wide educational community of professional photo managers. My network of colleagues and experts is available for collaboration or advice whenever needed. I have invested in education, software and equipment to help you preserve your treasured memories, and I’m continuously learning about the latest technology and new methods every day.

As a Certified Privacy Advocate, I stay up to date on digital security risks and best practices, so I can help my clients keep their photos and data safe. I abide by The Photo Managers Code of Ethics and respect the confidentiality of my clients’ photos and files.

Why hire a Photo Manager?

You may be asking, can’t I do this myself?  You certainly CAN do it yourself, but WILL YOU?

If you don’t have the time, motivation, knowledge, or equipment to accomplish your project, then it may be time to hire a photo manager. We can do the whole project for you or help you along the way.

Here’s another way to think about it. Have you ever hired any of these professionals for your home projects? 

You can hire me as your Interior (photo) Designer to reimagine your photo collection and give you ideas to get started. Or give me your (photo book) ideas and I can design and build it for you. 

Perhaps you’ve set a goal to finally do something with those boxes of photos in the basement or make that family yearbook you’ve been talking about. You can hire me as your Personal (photo) Trainer to help you make a plan and keep you accountable.

If you’ve got old slides, DVDs, Hi8 camcorder tapes that you can no longer view, you might need a Master (photo) Electrician to bring your old media up to code for the digital generation.  

Or maybe you’ve got thousands of photos on your laptop, phone, hard drives and memory sticks and need a Professional (photo) Landscaper to help get control of your photo yard, pull the weeds, trim the trees, collect the brush and set you up on a photo maintenance schedule. 

Whatever your situation, I can help. Preserving your memories is what I do.